In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines
import numpy as np
In [2]:
import mode_analysis_code
Then we create a ModeAnalsysis
object. This object is central to all sorts of calculations. The parameter $N$ is the number of ions. The tuple Vtrap
specifies the voltages on the trap electrodes. The parameter Vwall
is the voltage on the rotating wall electrodes. And finally the parameter frot
is the frequency of the rotating wall potential in ${\rm kHz}$. We will discuss the various voltages in more detail later on.
In [3]:
mode_analysis = mode_analysis_code.ModeAnalysis(N=127,
Vtrap=(0.0, -1750.0, -2000.0),
mode_analysis_has_run = False
A complete mode analysis is executed via the run command. Note that this can be a rather lengthy computation (several minutes long) depending on the number of ions. Therefore we take precautions to not run the mode analysis a second time after it has already run. If you'd like to run the mode analysis a second time you need to set the variable mode_analysis_has_run
to True.
In [4]:
if not mode_analysis_has_run:
mode_analysis_has_run = True
In [5]:
plt.plot(1.0e6 * mode_analysis.uE[:mode_analysis.Nion], 1.0e6 * mode_analysis.uE[mode_analysis.Nion:], 'o');
plt.xlabel('x/mu m')
plt.ylabel('y/mu m')
rmax = 150.0
for l in [plt.xlim, plt.ylim]:
l([-rmax, rmax])
In [6]:
Most calcualtions are done in a dimensionless system of units. Conversion to dimensionless and experimental form are done with the following two methods:
def dimensionless(self):
"""Calculate characteristic quantities and convert to a dimensionless
# characteristic length
self.l0 = ((self.k_e * self.q ** 2) / (.5 * self.m_Be * self.wz ** 2)) ** (1 / 3)
self.t0 = 1 / self.wz # characteristic time
self.v0 = self.l0 / self.t0 # characteristic velocity
self.E0 = 0.5*self.m_Be*(self.wz**2)*self.l0**2 # characteristic energy
self.wr = self.wrot / self.wz # dimensionless rotation
self.wc = self.wcyc / self.wz # dimensionless cyclotron = self.m / self.m_Be # dimensionless mass
def expUnits(self):
"""Convert dimensionless outputs to experimental units"""
self.u0E = self.l0 * self.u0 # Seed lattice
self.uE = self.l0 * self.u # Equilibrium positions
self.axialEvalsE = self.wz * self.axialEvals
self.planarEvalsE = self.wz * self.planarEvals
# eigenvectors are dimensionless anyway
Apparently the characteristic length is $ l_0 = \left(\frac{q^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0}/(m \omega_z^2/2)\right)^{1/3} $ Not quite sure what the meaning of this length scale is.
The ModeAnalysis.__init__()
method takes a parameter Vtrap
that specifies the electrostatic potentials as far as I can tell. A comment in the source code suggests that the three components of this vector are the voltages on the end, middle, and center trap electrodes. Presumably these are in Volts. Inside __init__()
we then calculate 0th, first, second, and fourth order moments of the trap potential at the center of the trap from the voltages. These are compute using a 4x3 matrix that is explained in "Teale's final paper". The result is stored in self.Coeff
. The axial trap frequency is computed from this as follows:
\omega_z=\sqrt{2 q {\tt self.Coeff[2]} / m}
So this suggests that self.Coeff[2]
corresponds to what I've been calling $k_z$:
k_z = 2 Coeff[2]
A "wall potential" of $V_{\rm wall}=5$ is translated into a coefficient ${\tt self.Cw2} = q V_{\rm wall} 1612$. Apparently this is not used anymore. Instead, we use the parameter ${\tt self.Cw} = 1612 V_{\rm wall} / V_0$ where $V_0 = 1/2 m \omega_z^2 / q$ which really reduces to ${\tt self.Coeff[2]}$. I think this make self.Cw
equivalent with the parameter $\delta$ I've been using up to perhaps a factor of 2 which I need to check on. The stronger axis of the trap is along $x$, the weaker axis is along $y$.
Apparently we are using a trap rotation frequency of $180 {\rm kHz}$ by default.
The default axial magnetic field is $B_z=4.4588T$.
In [7]:
import coldatoms
In [8]:
print(2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wcyc)
In [24]:
def create_ensemble(uE, omega_z, mass, charge):
num_ions = int(uE.size / 2)
x = uE[:num_ions]
y = uE[num_ions:]
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
r_hat = np.transpose(np.array([x / r, y / r]))
phi_hat = np.transpose(np.array([-y / r, x / r]))
v = np.zeros([num_ions, 2], dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(num_ions):
v[i, 0] = omega_z * r[i] * phi_hat[i, 0]
v[i, 1] = omega_z * r[i] * phi_hat[i, 1]
ensemble = coldatoms.Ensemble(num_ions)
for i in range(num_ions):
ensemble.x[i, 0] = x[i]
ensemble.x[i, 1] = y[i]
ensemble.x[i, 2] = 0.0
ensemble.v[i, 0] = v[i, 0]
ensemble.v[i, 1] = v[i, 1]
ensemble.v[i, 2] = 0.0
ensemble.ensemble_properties['mass'] = mass
ensemble.ensemble_properties['charge'] = charge
return ensemble
In [9]:
coulomb_force = coldatoms.CoulombForce()
In [19]:
class TrapPotential(object):
def __init__(self, kz, delta, omega, phi_0): = kz
self.kx = -(0.5 + delta) * kz = -(0.5 - delta) * kz
self.phi_0 = phi_0
self.phi = phi_0 = omega
def reset_phase(self):
self.phi = self.phi_0
def force(self, dt, ensemble, f):
self.phi += * 0.5 * dt
q = ensemble.ensemble_properties['charge']
if q is None:
q = ensemble.particle_properties['charge']
if q is None:
raise RuntimeError('Must provide ensemble or per particle charge')
cphi = np.cos(self.phi)
sphi = np.sin(self.phi)
kx = self.kx
ky =
x = ensemble.x[:, 0]
y = ensemble.x[:, 1]
z = ensemble.x[:, 2]
f[:, 0] += dt * q * (
(-kx * cphi * cphi - ky * sphi * sphi) * x + cphi * sphi * (ky - kx) * y)
f[:, 1] += dt * q * (
cphi * sphi * (ky - kx) * x + (-kx * sphi * sphi - ky * cphi * cphi) * y)
f[:, 2] += -dt * q * * z
self.phi += * 0.5 * dt
In [20]:
trap_potential = TrapPotential(2.0 * mode_analysis.Coeff[2], mode_analysis.Cw, mode_analysis.wrot, np.pi / 2.0)
In [21]:
def evolve_ensemble(dt, t_max, ensemble, Bz, forces):
num_steps = int(t_max / dt)
coldatoms.bend_kick(dt, Bz, ensemble, forces, num_steps=num_steps)
coldatoms.bend_kick(t_max - num_steps * dt, Bz, ensemble, forces)
First we need to convince ourselves that the ground state calculation in the co-rotating frame is consistent with the dynamical simulations. To this end we evolve the ensemble state a time $\Delta t$ into the future and then we rotate the ions back an angle $\alpha=2\pi F_{\rm rot} \Delta t$. Unfortunately, as these figures show, the steady state found by the mode analysis code does not correspond to a steady state of the dynamical simulations.
In [22]:
def validate_steady_state(alpha):
my_ensemble = create_ensemble(mode_analysis.uE,
x_0 = np.copy(my_ensemble.x[:, 0])
y_0 = np.copy(my_ensemble.x[:, 1])
trap_potential.phi = np.pi / 2.0
evolve_ensemble(1.0e-9, alpha / mode_analysis.wrot, my_ensemble, mode_analysis.B, [coulomb_force, trap_potential])
plt.plot(1.0e3 * x_0, 1.0e3 * y_0, 'go', ms=4)
plt.plot(1.0e3 * (np.cos(-alpha) * my_ensemble.x[:, 0] - np.sin(-alpha) * my_ensemble.x[:, 1]),
1.0e3 * (np.sin(-alpha) * my_ensemble.x[:, 0] + np.cos(-alpha) * my_ensemble.x[:, 1]), 'ro', ms=2)
plt.xlabel('x / mm')
plt.ylabel('y / mm')
x_max = 0.17e0
y_max = x_max
plt.xlim([-x_max, x_max])
plt.ylim([-y_max, y_max])
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.xlabel(r'$x/{\rm mm}$')
plt.ylabel(r'$y/{\rm mm}$')
return my_ensemble
In [25]:
num_revolutions = 3.7
validate_steady_state(num_revolutions * 2.0 * np.pi);
To understand the issue a little bit better we consider the trajectory of an ion:
In [26]:
def compute_trajectory(dt, t_max, forces):
my_ensemble = create_ensemble(mode_analysis.uE,
positions = [np.copy(my_ensemble.x)]
trap_potential.phi = np.pi / 2.0
t = 0.0
while t < t_max:
coldatoms.bend_kick(dt, mode_analysis.B, my_ensemble, forces)
t += dt
return np.array(positions)
In [27]:
t_max = 0.5 * 2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wrot
print("t_max == ", t_max)
print("2 pi / w_cycl == ", 2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wcyc)
dt = 0.05 * 2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wcyc
print("dt == ", dt)
trajectories = compute_trajectory(dt, t_max, [coulomb_force, trap_potential])
In [28]:
ptcl = 100
line = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(1.0e3 * trajectories[:, ptcl, 0], 1.0e3 * trajectories[:, ptcl, 1], color='0.3')
plt.plot(1.0e3 * trajectories[:, :, 0], 1.0e3 * trajectories[:, :, 1],'o', color='0.5', alpha=0.05, ms=1)
plt.plot(1.0e3 * trajectories[::10, ptcl, 0], 1.0e3 * trajectories[::10, ptcl, 1],'bo', ms=2)
plt.plot(1.0e3 * trajectories[0, :, 0], 1.0e3 * trajectories[0, :, 1],'go', ms=3)
plt.plot(1.0e3 * trajectories[-1, :, 0], 1.0e3 * trajectories[-1, :, 1],'ro', ms=3)
plt.xlabel('x / mm')
plt.ylabel('y / mm')
x_max = 0.15e0
y_max = x_max
plt.xlim([-x_max, x_max])
plt.ylim([-y_max, y_max])
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.savefig('trajectories.png', dpi=300)
The ModeAnalysis code gives us the ability to compute a steady state to a good approximation. However, sometimes we will want to change a parameter of the system (such as the rotation frequency of the rotating wall potential) and then we will want to find the steady state of the ions in this slightly perturbed system. To find the new steady state we need to add damping to the system evolution.
We consider two specific instances of damping. The first one aims to make all ions circulate in the trap at the desired rotation frequency. The second damping is a simplified Doppler cooling force.
In [19]:
class AngularDamping(object):
def __init__(self, omega, kappa_theta): = omega
self.kappa_theta = kappa_theta
def dampen(self, dt, ensemble):
x = ensemble.x[:, 0]
y = ensemble.x[:, 1]
z = ensemble.x[:, 2]
vx = ensemble.v[:, 0]
vy = ensemble.v[:, 1]
vz = ensemble.v[:, 2]
expMinusKappaDt = np.exp(-self.kappa_theta * dt)
for i in range(ensemble.num_ptcls):
r = np.sqrt(x[i] * x[i] + y[i] * y[i])
v = np.array([vx[i], vy[i]])
v_hat = np.array([-y[i], x[i]]) / r
v_par = * v_hat
v_perp = v - v_par
v_target = * r * v_hat
v_updated = v_perp + v_target + (v_par - v_target) * expMinusKappaDt
ensemble.v[i, 0] = v_updated[0]
ensemble.v[i, 1] = v_updated[1]
The following damping mimics Doppler cooling with a constant cooling rate (and hence infinite capture range) and without the fluctuating recoil force.
In [20]:
class SimplisticOpticalMolasses(object):
"""Doppler cooling along x without recoil."""
def __init__(self, kappa, sigma):
"""kappa is the damping rate and sigma is the 1/e diameter of the cooling beam."""
self.kappa = kappa
self.sigma = sigma
def dampen(self, dt, ensemble):
vx = ensemble.v[:, 0]
y = ensemble.x[:, 1]
damping_factor = np.exp(-self.kappa * dt)
intensity = np.exp(-(y**2) / (self.sigma**2))
ensemble.v[:, 0] = (1.0 - intensity) * vx + intensity * damping_factor * vx
We can augment our evolution algorithm rathe reasily by applying the dampings after each time step.
In [21]:
def evolve_ensemble_with_damping(dt, t_max, ensemble, Bz, forces, dampings):
t = 0
while t < t_max:
coldatoms.bend_kick(dt, Bz, ensemble, forces, num_steps=1)
for d in dampings:
d.dampen(dt, ensemble)
t += dt
Using this evolution we can define a function that creates an ensemble and evolves it to steady state:
In [22]:
def evolve_to_steady_state(dt=1.0e-9, t_max=1.0e-8, dampings=[],
omega=2.0 * np.pi * 180.0e3):
my_ensemble = create_ensemble(mode_analysis.uE,
x_0 = np.copy(my_ensemble.x)
v_0 = np.copy(my_ensemble.v)
trap_potential.phi = np.pi / 2.0 = omega
[coulomb_force, trap_potential],
return (my_ensemble, x_0, v_0)
First we'll try to verify that the crystal we got from the mode analysis is indeed a steady state. This will also allow us to determine how much we can push the cooling with inducing defects in the crystal. Note that in our cooling configuration the particles have almost zero velocity parallel to the cooling beams. So we wouldn't expect too strong of a cooling force.
In [58]:
def show_final_state(
omega=1.0 * mode_analysis.wrot,
my_ensemble, x0, v0 = evolve_to_steady_state(t_max=t_max,
dampings=[SimplisticOpticalMolasses(kappa, sigma)]);
alpha = -omega * t_max
sa = np.sin(alpha)
ca = np.cos(alpha)
plt.plot(x0[:, 0], x0[:, 1], 'go', ms=3)
plt.plot(ca * my_ensemble.x[:, 0] - sa * my_ensemble.x[:, 1],
sa * my_ensemble.x[:, 0] + ca * my_ensemble.x[:, 1], 'ro', ms=2)
x_lim = 1.5e-4
plt.xlim(-x_lim, x_lim)
plt.ylim(-x_lim, x_lim)
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
if side_view==True:
plt.plot(x0[:, 0], x0[:, 2], 'go', ms=3)
plt.plot(my_ensemble.x[:, 0], my_ensemble.x[:, 2], 'ro', ms=2)
x_lim = 1.5e-4
plt.xlim(-x_lim, x_lim)
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
Here's the ion configuration after 10 revolutions with a damping force of 1.0e6
In [52]:
omega = 1.0 * mode_analysis.wrot,
t_max = 1.0e1 * 2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wrot,
kappa = 1.0e5,
sigma = 10.0e-6)
When we increase the diameter of the fictitious cooling beam we can see that the crystals stability suffers due to the torque imparted on the ions.
In [54]:
omega = 1.0 * mode_analysis.wrot,
t_max = 1.0e1 * 2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wrot,
kappa = 1.0e5,
sigma = 25.0e-6)
In [63]:
omega = 1.25 * mode_analysis.wrot,
t_max = 1.0e2 * 2.0 * np.pi / mode_analysis.wrot,
kappa = 1.0e5,
sigma = 10.0e-6,
To gain some insight into the dynamics of the ions while they evolve to steady state we define two functions that let us compute radial distance from the center of the trap and the speed of the ions.
In [23]:
def radius(x):
return np.sqrt(x[:, 0]**2 + x[:, 1]**2)
def speed(v):
return np.sqrt(v[:, 0]**2 + v[:, 1]**2 + v[:, 2]**2)
def radial_velocity(x, v):
num_ptcls = v.shape[0]
velocity = np.zeros(num_ptcls)
for i in range(num_ptcls):
r_hat = np.copy(x[i, :2])
r_hat /= np.linalg.norm(r_hat)
velocity[i] =[i, :2])
return velocity
def angular_velocity(x, v):
num_ptcls = v.shape[0]
velocity = np.zeros(num_ptcls)
for i in range(num_ptcls):
r_hat = np.copy(x[i, :2])
r_hat /= np.linalg.norm(r_hat)
v_r = r_hat * ([i, :2]))
velocity[i] = np.linalg.norm(v[i, :2] - v_r)
return velocity
In [65]:
omega = 1.05 * mode_analysis.wrot
t_max = 2.0e0 * 2.0 * np.pi / omega
kappa = 1.0e5
sigma = 10.0e-6
my_ensemble, x0, v0 = evolve_to_steady_state(t_max=t_max, dt=dt, omega=omega,
dampings=[SimplisticOpticalMolasses(kappa, sigma)]);
plt.plot(radius(x0), radial_velocity(x0, v0))
plt.plot(radius(my_ensemble.x), radial_velocity(my_ensemble.x, my_ensemble.v))
plt.plot(radius(x0), angular_velocity(x0, v0))
plt.plot(radius(my_ensemble.x), angular_velocity(my_ensemble.x, my_ensemble.v))
plt.plot(radius(x0), speed(v0))
plt.plot(radius(my_ensemble.x), speed(my_ensemble.v))
In [28]:
def compute_speed_trajectory(dt=1.0e-9, t_max=1.0e-8, dampings=[],
omega=2.0 * np.pi * 180.0e3, num_dump=1):
my_ensemble = create_ensemble(mode_analysis.uE,
trap_potential.phi = np.pi / 2.0 = omega
avg_speeds = [np.mean(speed(my_ensemble.v))]
avg_radial_speed = [np.mean(radial_velocity(my_ensemble.x, my_ensemble.v))]
avg_angular_speed = [np.mean(angular_velocity(my_ensemble.x, my_ensemble.v))]
t = 0
i = 0
forces = [coulomb_force, trap_potential]
while t < t_max:
coldatoms.bend_kick(dt, mode_analysis.B, my_ensemble, forces=forces)
for d in dampings:
d.dampen(dt, my_ensemble)
t += dt
if i % num_dump == 0:
avg_radial_speed.append(np.mean(radial_velocity(my_ensemble.x, my_ensemble.v)))
avg_angular_speed.append(np.mean(angular_velocity(my_ensemble.x, my_ensemble.v)))
i = i + 1
return (np.array(avg_speeds), np.array(avg_radial_speed), np.array(avg_angular_speed))
In [93]:
omega = 1.02 * mode_analysis.wrot
t_max = 1.0e3 * 2.0 * np.pi / omega
kappa = 8.0e5
sigma = 1.0e-5
speeds, v_r, v_theta = compute_speed_trajectory(
dt=dt, t_max=t_max, dampings=[SimplisticOpticalMolasses(kappa, sigma)],
omega=omega, num_dump=100)
In [78]:
np.mean(angular_velocity(x0, v0))
Here is an order of magnitude estimate of the Coulomb force acting on one of the ions near the fringe of the crystal. This looks reasonable.
In [258]:
coulomb_force.force(1.0e0, my_ensemble, f)
In [49]:
In [42]:
class DopplerDetuning(object):
def __init__(self, Delta0, k):
self.Delta0 = Delta0
self.k = np.copy(k)
def detunings(self, x, v):
return self.Delta0 - np.inner(self.k, v)
In [43]:
class GaussianBeam(object):
"""A laser beam with a Gaussian intensity profile."""
def __init__(self, S0, x0, k, sigma):
"""Construct a Gaussian laser beam from position, direction, and width.
S0 -- Peak intensity (in units of the saturation intensity).
x0 -- A location on the center of the beam.
k -- Propagation direction of the beam (need not be normalized).
sigma -- 1/e width of the beam."""
self.S0 = S0
self.x0 = np.copy(x0)
self.k_hat = k / np.linalg.norm(k)
self.sigma = sigma
def intensities(self, x):
xp = x - self.x0
xperp = xp - np.outer([:, np.newaxis]), self.k_hat)
return self.S0 * np.exp(-np.linalg.norm(xperp, axis=1)**2/self.sigma)
In [44]:
class UniformIntensity(object):
"""Uniform intensity profile."""
def __init__(self, S0):
self.S0 = S0
def intensities(self, x):
num_ptcls = x.shape[0]
return np.full(num_ptcls, self.S0)
In [45]:
wavelength = 780.0e-9
k = 2.0 * np.pi / wavelength
gamma = 2.0 * np.pi * 6.1e6
hbar = 1.0e-34
sigma = 1.0e-3
cooling_beams = [
coldatoms.RadiationPressure(gamma, hbar * kp,
DopplerDetuning(-0.5 * gamma, kp)) for kp in [
np.array([0.0, 0.0, k]),
np.array([0.0, 0.0, -k]),
In [46]:
import time
In [51]:
my_ensemble = create_ensemble(mode_analysis.uE,
trap_potential.phi = np.pi / 2.0
t_max = 1.0e-5
dt = 5.0e-9
num_steps = np.ceil(t_max / dt)
t_start = time.clock()
evolve_ensemble(dt, t_max,
my_ensemble, mode_analysis.B, [coulomb_force, trap_potential] + cooling_beams)
t_end = time.clock()
delta_t = t_end - t_start
print("delta_t == ", delta_t)
print("num_steps == ", num_steps)
print("delta_t / num_steps == ", delta_t / num_steps)
plt.plot(1.0e3 * my_ensemble.x[:,0], my_ensemble.v[:,2], 'ro', ms=3)
plt.xlabel('x / mm')
plt.ylabel(r'$v_z / (m/s)$')
#x_max = 0.5e0
#y_max = x_max
#plt.xlim([-x_max, x_max])
#plt.ylim([-y_max, y_max])
In [52]:
positions = []
t_max = 2.0e-3
dt = 4.0e-9
num_steps = int(np.ceil(t_max / dt))
num_dump = 50
for i in range(num_steps // num_dump):
coldatoms.bend_kick(dt, mode_analysis.B, my_ensemble,
[coulomb_force, trap_potential]+cooling_beams,
positions = np.array(positions)
In [50]:
delta_t = num_dump * dt
nu_nyquist = 0.5 / delta_t
nu_axis = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * nu_nyquist, positions.shape[0])
plt.semilogy(nu_axis / 1.0e6, np.sum(np.abs(np.fft.fft(positions[:,:,2],axis=0))**2, axis=1))
plt.xlim(0.525 * nu_nyquist / 1.0e6, 0.7 * nu_nyquist / 1.0e6)
plt.ylim(1.0e-11, 1.0e-7)
plt.xlabel(r'$\nu / \rm{MHz}$')
In [ ]: